It is with great pleasure that I write this letter because I would like to give credit where credit is due. It concerns my 85 years old mother who came to visit me, broke her hip and had an operation here in Lugano, where she was very well looked after. I was in a particularly vulnerable emotional state since my beloved husband died only one month before the unfortunate accident above mentioned. Fotunatelly, my mother had an insuance with Evasan and that made all the difference. Thanks to that fact, we were both spared lots of anxieties and worries, both psychological and financial. I was dealing with your agents who were kind, capable and efficient. I would like to express my deep gratitude for immense kindness shown to us and professional excellence with which you treat your clients. My family in Belgrad and I became your great fans and I intend to share this experience with all my friends and acquitances who expect visitors from abroad.