What Is Covered by Student Travel Safe Insurance Plan?

If you are a student and you are going to another country to study, do an internship or participate in an exchange program, then the Student Travel Safe insurance plan is the right choice for you. To read it all carefully may take some time, but here you can find the abbreviated version if you want to get a quicker information about it. In this article we will try to explain what the insurance plan actually covers and why it is so convenient for students.

Main Coverage: Assistance

During your trip you will be given assistance by Evasan in case you need it. If you don’t feel well during the trip and you need a medical advice, you can contact Evasan that will put you in contact with a qualified doctor. If you need it, you will be assigned a local specialist doctor. In case you need some specific medication and it is not available in the country of your trip, Evasan will send you the required medication. If you can’t continue your journey because of your medical conditions, don’t worry, the Student Travel Safe plan covers also repatriation and medical evacuation. Moreover, if you are going to be hospitalized for at least 7 days, the insurance plan will cover the costs for A/R travel for a next of kin, so that way you won’t feel alone and you will be supported by a member of your family. In addition to that, in the Student Travel Safe plan are also included the expenses of rescue and lifesaving if, in the event of a disaster, you find yourself lost or in a life-threatening situation. If, most unfortunately, something really bad happens and the insured loses his life, Evasan is going to cover also the expenses for the repatriation of the human remains in the case of death of the insured party.

The coverage described above is only the main basic coverage offered by the Student Travel Safe plan. If you wish additional protection during the trip or even before, you must add one or more ancillary coverages to the basic plan and then pay the relative premium.

Ancillary Coverages

First of all, the one that you should consider the most, is the ancillary coverage related to the costs of medical treatment. If you add to the plan this ancillary coverage, Evasan will cover the costs for medical fees, even hospitalization, but only if they are related to an accident or a sudden illness and not to a pre-existing condition.

Another useful ancillary coverage is school trip cancellation, because nothing is certain, even if collectively organized. We suggest that you add this coverage if you are going to participate in a school trip as an extracurricular activity planned by the educational institution where you are enrolled. Evasan will refund the costs of the trip in a maximum of 30 days after the request to cancel the trip.

Similar to the previous one, is the trip interruption ancillary coverage. This coverage applies to the interruption of an organized trip. In the event of interruption, Evasan will reimburse the non-consumed services which the student cannot ask for a refund from the tour organiser.

Not less important than the other ancillary coverages, it is certainly the one that is often needed during a trip. We are talking about the plane delay ancillary coverage. Sometimes it happens, and when it happens it could be a real nightmare. It’s advisable to add this ancillary coverage if you are going to travel by a plane. In the event of plane delay, Evasan covers the insured for different expenses, like overnight accommodation in a hotel, airport or terminal transfers, meals and refreshments, obviously within the limits of the insurance contract.

Related to the previous one, as your plane may be delayed, so may your luggage be as well. Don’t worry, there is also the luggage delay ancillary coverage to take care of that. This is one of the things that irritates the most when travelling. When you are waiting for your luggage in front of the baggage belts and you realize that your luggage isn’t going to come out at all. It could be a good idea to add this coverage, especially if you are going to take transit flights. It may happen that the airport staff make a mistake and send your luggage to another destination. But don’t worry, Evasan will cover the expenses for emergency and essential purchases until you receive your luggage back.

If however, you worry that your luggage is not delayed, but something else has happened to it, there is the loss or theft of luggage ancillary coverage. Not only your luggage can be delayed, but it can also be lost, damaged or even stolen. Therefore, we suggest that you consider this additional coverage if you wish to insure the content of your luggage. With this coverage you will be reimbursed in case of robbery and theft of your luggage, deterioration or destruction of the luggage and its content, loss en route by the transport provider.

This is only a summary of the coverage provided by the Student Travel Safe insurance plan, for more specific information, we recommend you to read the General Conditions.

Ideal for Students

This insurance plan is perfect for students because it’s the most affordable student travel health insurance plan on the market that offers coverage worldwide and it is available for persons between 7 and 45 years old, as long as they are students. Instead of worrying what might or might not happen, or regret it later if you haven’t even dreamed that you could find yourself in such a situation, it is sometimes better to be quicker than the future itself and take some precautions. Should you want to travel in relax like many students do, consider buying the Student Travel Safe insurance. It might be of a great help, if you need it, and in that case, you surely won’t regret buying it.

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