Visa Travel Insurance

If you are a non-Schengen country resident planning a travel to a Schengen country, you should first check what papers and permits you need for the trip. First of all, you should know which travel documents you need and if a visa is required. Whether you need a visa or not depends on which country you are coming from and the purpose of your travel. Residents of some countries needn’t take out a visa in case they travel for pleasure, whereas residents of other countries are required to do so. You definitely need a visa if you intend to work or study, for instance.

Travel insurance is necessary when applying for visa and this requirement should not be taken lightly. Regardless of how long you intend to stay in a Schengen country, you should keep in mind that accidents or sudden illnesses are always possible. In addition, medical care or treatment may be very expensive, especially if a more substantial intervention or even repatriation is required. The cost of travel insurance is relatively low, and you may need to take out the insurance policy, not only for visa purposes, but also to cover the entire duration of your stay abroad. Please feel free to consult our experienced insurance advisors, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We are a leading travel insurer in Europe and our call center is operational 24/7, 365 days a year. Our operators are highly qualified and will address any issue you may have. At the point of taking out your travel insurance, make sure you get the right coverage and you tell your agent exactly what you need for a tailor-made policy. You should also know that there are additional coverages, such as ski risk, which must be requested specially if you plan a skiing trip abroad. Always keep in mind that accidents and illnesses do not happen only to other people, but may also befall you. So make sure you ask for visa travel insurance as the first step in the preparation of your travel abroad.

Travel Insurance

Schengen Visa

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