Multi trip insurance

If you’re planning to make several trips this year, for holidays or on business, perhaps you should consider taking out a multi trip insurance policy. At first glance, it may seem an unnecessary or excessive expense, but let us assure you that it is not so.

Here are some of the reasons why you might wish to make that purchase:

  • You plan to travel a few times during the year and you don’t want to waste your time on looking for appropriate offers before every single trip;
  • A sudden illness or an accident may happen at any time;
  • Your luggage may be mishandled or lost during any one of your trips;
  • In case of a sudden illness which requires a hospital treatment, you’ll want your loved ones to visit you and have those expenses covered by your insurance;
  • If your flight is delayed or cancelled, your insurance will cover the accommodation and sustenance.

Which categories of travelers usually opt for this type of insurance coverage?

  • Business people,
  • Senior citizens who can afford the travels they always desired,
  • People of certain professions, such as journalists, who can always be sent on an unexpected trip.

What does the price of a multi trip insurance cover depend on?

  • The estimated number of trips
  • The estimated number of days for the longest trip of the year
  • The traveler’s age
  • The options chosen with the plan.

It’s important to know that this kind of insurance is cheaper than taking out policies for each and every trip. Also, you may ask for additional options, such as the ski-risk option, in case your trip exposes you to certain risks which are not covered by the basic insurance agreement. And don’t forget to inform your chosen insurer about any pre-existing health issues so that unpleasant surprises may be avoided in case you actually have to use your policy.

These are only some of the details we wish to highlight. In case you have more questions, our experts are available 24/7/365. Call us and check what we can do to ensure your peace of mind.

Travel Insurance

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